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Клуб лодырей объявил соревнования

FT4 DX Contest 2020 – European FT8 Club    Rules

1 – Date
Begins: 29-February-2020 | 12:00 UTC
Ends: 01-March-2020 | 12:00 UTC

2 – Bands and mode
80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters on FT4 mode. Any station may work any other station. Stations may be worked once per band.

3 – Categories
Single Operator LOW (100 watts or less)
Single Operator QRP (5 watts or less)
Multioperator LOW (100 watts or less)
Multioperator QRP (5 watts or less)

4 – Exchange
4.1 United States: Signal report and State (except KH6 and KL7).
4.2 Canada: Signal report and Province.
4.3 DX: Signal report and consecutive serial number, starting with 001 (including KH6 and KL7).

5 – Scoring
5.1 QSO Points: One point for each completed QSO.
5.2 Multipliers: Each US state (except KH6 and KL7) plus the District of Columbia (DC), Canadian provinces/territories: NB (VE1, 9), NS (VE1), QC (VE2), ON (VE3), MB (VE4), SK (VE5), AB (VE6), BC (VE7), NWT (VE8), NF (VO1), LB (VO2), NU (VYØ), YT (VY1), PEI (VY2) and each DXCC country. KH6 and KL7 count only as separate DXCC entities.
5.2.1 Multipliers count only once (not once per band).
5.2.2 The US and Canada do not count as DXCC entities.

6 – Logs
The Cabrillo entries include the header and the complete QSO list. All logs must be emailed by 15-March-2020 at 23:59 UTC in Cabrillo format to europeanft8club@gmx.com

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